Paying Executives Equitably
With the Staff
We demand that the theatre’s highest paid executive staff members make no more than 10x the yearly salary of the lowest paid full-time staff member.
- We believe this is currently true at Signature.
- Recommend that we commit to following this concept, but that would be up to the board.
With Senior Management
We demand all incoming executive leadership hires be offered a salary that is equitable to that of the prior hire’s offer and consistent with those of executive leadership partners within the institution.
- All salaries must be published and made easily accessible for each hire. This ensures a transparent process and encourages equitable wage practices.
- The committee recommends that this be a discussion with more people, including senior staff and WERK Committee, and possible board members.
Ending Executive Bonuses
We demand divestment from bloated executive packages and bonuses.
- We believe this currently does not happen at Signature.
- Recommend that we commit to following this concept, continuing to do what are doing in this area.
Paying BIPOC
For Higher Intensity Work
We demand additional compensation for BIPOC staff working within a PWI in recognition of the increased labor intrinsically required.
If the BIPOC is being asked to spend time doing a task for Signature outside their job description that they are specifically being asked to do because of their ethnicity.
While we continue to work on preventing issues requiring additional labor/emotional labor from BIPOC staff - should anything happen that person they should be able to take time off to heal, if they so choose, without it being taken from their regular sick or annual leave
White supervisors should realize the optics of the tasks they are asking BIPOC staff to do when they are the only person doing it, especially something we would consider "grunt" work - and that those optics may add more emotional labor to BIPOC staff. Consider other solutions, such as making sure more people are assisting with the task.
Fix the root problem, don't use this as an excuse to pay our way out of this and not fix the underlying problems that cause increased labor. Make sure we are really fostering an atmosphere where employees feel comfortable speaking out without retaliation about any issues that may arise
For Extra Time Worked
We demand fair compensation for BIPOC artists for appearances at donor events, audience talkbacks and any other appearances or work that falls outside of their position as detailed in their contract.
- Theatres must cease all expectation of BIPOC artists or staff working outside of the expectations of the position itself as prescribed in the BIPOC artist or staff member’s hiring paperwork/contract. No pressure shall be put on any BIPOC artist or staff member to assist with marketing, fundraising, etc. without proper compensation and credit.
- Discuss if/how it could get dicey if we are paying some people for some things but not all people for all extra events.
Decide what events the whole cast is expected to do (first glimpse, discussion nights, opening night, cocktails with the cast) and if we are going to include those as required in the contract, and if they will be paid extra for this or not. If these events fall within the scheduled work hours, are we okay to proceed as usual?
For any events where a specific person is being asked to do something that is outside their role in the show (Inside Signature, singing at a donor event, going to a board meeting to present/sing, the person doing the ask for the in-theater fundraising etc.) pay them for participating in that event.
Discuss if it always has to be cash or if it can be an in-kind payment, like drink coupons.
Ending Internship Programs
We demand the dismantling of internship programs, and we demand that paid entry level positions be created in their place.
- To be considered an intern you cannot do work that would otherwise need to be a paid full-time entry-level job. The organization should not be able to function without that position always filled by an intern.
- The committee recommends that the HR working group also discuss this issue.
Don't dismantle internships, we believe that these opportunities and experience are crucial. We recommend that we pay intern’s at least minimum wage.
If we have any internships that are not paid, that are to be considered educational only and they can observe and do work as a learning exercise, but they should not do work that the organization uses to replace what a paid person would be.
Performing and Rewarding Positive Performance Evaluations
We demand accountability in performance evaluations, and evaluations must be fully reflected in annual raises or bonuses.
- Signature currently does not do formal/official performance evaluations. This leads to some issues, including that some employees do want honest, regular feedback on their performance and the opportunity to step away from everyday tasks and look at bigger picture topics related to their employment. Currently some supervisors do this, some don't, some will only do it if asked, which puts the employee in an awkward position. However, there are also issues with doing them, such as unconscious/implicit biases affecting the job performance feedback and ratings (sexism, racism, ableism, gender bias, homophobia etc.) - so if compensation or promotions were tied to these evaluations it would be yet another place where inequality could be the result.
- This is definitely a larger topic for discussion with WERK HR committee/Sr Staff. Questions need to be addressed such as - should we do them or not? What is the process if we do? If we do them, will compensation be tied to the results?
There should a regular opportunity for an employee to get feedback on their performance, and this opportunity needs to be consistent across the organization (except where things like union rules prohibit this)
Supervisors should be trained in how to do performance evaluations specifically to avoid implicit and unconscious bias. There should be a system set up through HR where employees who feel like they were the subject of bias in a performance review can report this.
Should the organization decide not to do performance reviews, we may want to consider a regular time where employees can discuss their status in the company, workload, duties, and compensation.